Sampson Kwaku Agodzo
Educational History
1970 - 1975: Ghanata Secondary School, Dodowa, Ghana;
1975 - 1977: St. Augustine's College, Cape Coast, Ghana;
1977 - 1981: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana;
1983 - 1984: Cranfield University, Silsoe College, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom;
1988 - 1993: Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Some Courses I Teach
Research Interests
Modelling agricultural water management systems,
Determination of crop coefficient of indigenous crops,
Evaporation measurement suing small evaporation pan
Areas of expertise
Soil & Water Engineering
Professional Membership
Fellow, Ghana Institution of Engineers (GhIE)
Member, Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE)
1. Ahouansou, D. M. M., S. K. Agodzo, S. Kralisch, L. O. C. Sintondji and C. Furst (2015). Anallysis of hydrological budget using J2000 model in the Penjari river basin, West Africa. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 5(19), 14 – 37.
2. Badmos, K. B., G. B. Villamor, S. K. Agodzo and S. N. Odai (2015). Heterogeneous farm household perceptions about climate change: a case study of a semi-arid region of Ghana. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 7 (3), 67-79.
3. Hirouchi, S., H. Horino, H. Dan, C. Hirose, S. Agodzo and P. S. Kwawukume (2015). Proposal for soil hardening materials for irrigation canals for less endowed farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: a case of Ghana. Journal of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering, 83(2), 1 – 8 (2015.4).
4. Badmos, K. B., S. K. Agodzo, G. B. Villamor and S. N. Odai (2015). An approach for simulating soil loss from an agro-system using multi-agent simulation: a case study for semi-arid Ghana. Land 2015(4), 607 - 626. Doi:10.3390/land4030607.
5. Obuobie, E., B. Keraita, L. Hope and S. K. Agodzo (2014). Health risk perceptions of stakeholders in irrigated urban vegetable farming. In: P. Dreschsel and B. Keraita (Eds.). Urban vegetable production in Ghana: characteristics, benefits and risk mitigation. 2nd ed. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). p116 – 135. Doi:10.5337/2014.219.
6. Badmos, K. B., G. B. Villamor, S. K. Agodzo, S. N. Odai and S. Guug (2014). Examining agricultural land-use/cover change options in rural northern Ghana: A participatory scenario exploration exercise approach. Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Research 8 (2014): 15 – 35.
7. Agodzo, S. K., E. Obuobie and C. A. Braimah (2014) The effects of irrigation dams on water supply in Ghana, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719 Vol. 04 (5) ||V3|| : 48-53
8. Braimah, C. A. and S. Agodzo (2014). Challenges to efficient and effective irrigation water management in Ghana – the case of Bontanga Irrigation Project, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719. Vol 4 (4) ||V2||: 34-41,
9. Obuobie, E., Ofori, D., Agodzo, S. K., and Okrah, C. (2013). Groundwater potential for dry season irrigation in North eastern Ghana. Water International, 38(4), 433–448. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2013.814212.
10. Obuobie E., Diekkrueger B., Agyekum W., and Agodzo, S. 2012. Groundwater level monitoring and recharge estimation in the White Volta River Basin of Ghana. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 71-72 (2012) 80-86.
11. Agodzo, S. K. and R. J. Boroto (2012): Inland wetlands use for agriculture development in Ghana. Paper presented at FAO Workshop on Guidelines for the Development of Inland Wetlands, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 – 14 September, 2012.
12. Kariyama, I. D. and S. K. Agodzo (2011): Comparison of empirical temperature-based methods for estimating reference crop evapotranspiration in the Upper West Region of Ghana. TPoly J. Tech. 1(1) 2011: 17 – 25.
13. Gaveh, E. A., G. M. Timpo, S. K. Agodzo and D. H. Shin (2011). Effect of irrigation, transplant age and season on growth, yield and irrigation water use efficiency of the African eggplant. Journal of Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology 52(1): 13 - 28.
14. Agodzo, S. K. (2011): Wastewater generation and use in Ghana: a review. Paper presented at the Workshop on Wastewater Use in Irrigation as Resource Recovery [ INREF- funded WWURR Project, Irrigation and Water Engineering Group, Wageningen University], Tamale, Ghana. 01 – 04 March 2011.