Emmanuel Y.H. Bobobee
Educational History
Some Courses I Teach
Undergraduate Courses
- AE 251 Agricultural Power Units (1989 - 2009)
- AE 252 Agricultural Field Machinery (1989 - 2009)
- LDM 257 Landscape Development Machinery (2009 - date)
- AGE 3312 Agricultural Mechanization Course (1999 at University of Namibia under FAO TCDC Consultancy), vide (SP29)
- AE 381 Farm Power (1989 - 1995)
- AE 355 Farm Power and Machinery (1996 - 2002)
- AE 360 Farm Power (2010 - date)
- AE 461 Agric Power and machinery (2015 – date)
- AE 456 Mechanised Conservation Agriculture (2008 – date)
- AE 484 Maintenance and Repairs of Agricultural Machinery (1989 - date)
- AE 459 Advanced Agricultural Power and Field Machinery (1989 - date).
Postgraduate Courses
- AE 553 Tractors and Implement Mechanics (2009 - date)
- AE 557 Mechanised Crop Production (2009 - date)
- AE 552 Agricultural Machinery Management (2009 - date)
- TN 0269 Technology for Developing Countries I & II Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (2003-2010).
- TN 0453 MDG and Third World Agriculture 2007. (2007 Guest lecturer, Uppsala, Sweden)
Research Interests
- Mechanical Cassava Harvesting Techniques.
- Draft Animal Technology and welfare in Ghana:
- Animal transport, logistics and welfare.
- Development and Testing of post harvest processing machines.
- Conservation tillage agriculture and appropriate equipment development in the humid agro-ecozones of Ghana.
Areas of expertise
Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Food security
Professional Membership
- Member, Ghana Institution of Engineers (MGhIE). (1987-date).
- Member, Ghana Society for Agricultural Engineering (MGSAE) (1994-date).
- General Secretary, Ghana Society for Agricultural Engineering (2000-2004),
- Member, West African Society of Agricultural Engineers (WASAE) (2000-date).
- General Secretary, West African Society of Agricultural Engineers (2000-2004).
- Vice-President, Ghana Society for Agricultural Engineering (GSAE). (2011-date).
- Fellow, South Africa Society of Agricultural Engineers (FSAILI/FSASAE) 2013 - date
Scientific Publications
- Amponsah, S.K., Bobobee, E.Y.H., Okyere, J.B., Agyare, W.A., King, S.R ., Aveyire, J., and Sarkodie-Addo, J. (2014). Mechanical cassava harvesting as influenced by seedbed preparation and cassava variety. ASABE Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30(3):391-403
- Bobobee, E.Y.H., Okyere, J.B., Agyare, W.A., Amponsah, S.K., King, S.R ., Aveyire, J., and Sarkodie-Addo, J. (2014). Performance evaluation of prototype mechanical cassava harvester in three agro-ecological zones in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 48(2):3-19.
- Samuel Frimpong, Girma Gebresenbet, Emmanuel Bobobee, Elias Aklaku and Ibrahim Hamdu. (2014). Effect of Pre-Slaughter Handling on Welfare and Meat Quality of Cattle: Case study of Kumasi Abattoir. Veterinary Sciences 1:174-191;doi:10.3390/vetsci 103074.
- Nazaire Houssou, Shashi Kollavali, Emmanuel Bobobee, Victor Owusu. (2013). Animal Traction in Ghana. GSSP. An IFPRI Publication, Washington, USA.
- Emmanuel Y.H. Bobobee and Francis Kumi. (2013). Development and performance evaluation of an abrasive wear testing equipment for tillage tools. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1):55-67
- Seidu J. M., Bobobee E.Y. H., Kwenin W. K. J., Frimpong R., Kubge S. D., Tevor W. J. and Mahama A. A. (2012). Preservation of Indigenous Vegetables by Solar Drying. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science.7 (6): 407-415.
- Seidu J. M., Bobobee E.Y. H., Kwenin W. J. K., Tevor W. J., Mahama A. A. and Agbeven J. (2012). Drying of Chipped and Grated Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas) for Quality Flour Using Locally Constructed Solar Dryers. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science.7 (6): 466-473.
- Samuel Aradom, Girma Gebresenbet, Fufa Sorri Bulitta, Emmanuel Yaovi Bobobee and Musa Adam. (2012). Effect of Transport Times on Welfare of Pigs. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2: 544-562.
- Girma Gebresenbet, Techane Bosona and Emmanuel Yaovi Hunnuor Bobobee. (2012). Improving Loading Facilities and Methods to Minimize Stress on Animals during Transport from Farm to Abattoir. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2:784-799.
- Girma Gebresenbet, Isabela Wikner, Emmanuel Yaovi Hunnuor Bobobee, G.A. Maria and M. Villaroel. (2012). Effect of Transport Time and Handling on Physiological Responses of Cattle. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 2:800-814.
- Samuel Frimpong, Girma Gebresenbet, Techane Bosona, Emmanuel Bobobee, Elias Aklaku, Ibrahim Hamdu. (2012). Animal Supply and Logistics Activities of Abattoir Chain in Developing Countries: The Case of the Kumasi Abattoir, Ghana. Journal of Service Science and Management 5: 20-27.
- G. Gebresenbet, E.Y.H. Bobobee, P. Kaumbutho, PS, Simpkin (2010). Work performance, physiological and behavioural responses of camels when pulling carts and sledges. The Brooke (Eds). The 6th International Colloquium on Working Equids: Learning from Others. Proceedings of an International Colloquium held at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, 29th November to 2nd December 2010. The Brooke, 30 Farrington Street, London, EC4A 4HH, UK.
- Seidu J.M., Trevor W.J., Damien N., Apanga S.A., Papanku C.K., Aliu A.M., Bobobee E.Y.H. (2010). Performance Evaluation of a Fabricated Tractor Operated maize Sheller. International Journal of Engineering Science 2(6): 68-77.
- Emmanuel Y.H. Bobobee, Kofi Sraku-Lartey, Simon C. Fialor, Emmanuel A. Canacoo, Sampson K. Agodzo, Albert Yawson, Girma Gebresenbet (2007). Wear rate of animal-drawn ploughshares in selected Ghanaian soils. Soil & Tillage Research 93: 299–308.
- Emmanuel Y.H. Bobobee and Girma Gebresenbet (2007). Effect of cutting edge thickness and state of wear of ploughshare on draught force and heart rates of Sanga oxen in Ghana, Soil & Tillage Research 95: 298-307.