Ahmad Addo
Educational History
Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan
MSc. Biosystem Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan
BSc. (Hons) Agricultural Engineering, Kumasi Ghana
Teaching Responsibilities
Grain Conditioning, Storage and Processing.
Perishable Crop Storage.
Agricultural Materials Handling and Processing.
Bioprocess Engineering.
Research Interests
My Research interest include Agricultural Processing Engineering and Bioenergy
Areas of expertise
Grain Facility Design, Layout, Construction and Maintenance.
Grain Conditioning, Storage and Management.
Biomass Processing and Thermochemical Conversion.
Fermentation Modelling and Simulation.
Membership of Professional Bodies
1.Member, Ghana Institution of Engineers (GhIE)
2.Member, Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE)
3.Member, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).
Publications Since 2010
- F. Kemausuor, A. Addo and L. Darkwah. 2015. Technical and socioeconomic potential of biogas from cassava waste in Ghana. Biotechnology Research International Volume 2015, Article ID 828576, 10 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/828576
- Ayamga, E. A., Kemausuor, F. and Addo, A. 2015. Technical analysis of crop residue biomass energy in an agricultural region of Ghana. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 95:51-60.
- Effah-Manu, L., Oduro, I., Addo, A, Adjei, I. A. 2015. Mathematical modeling of infra-red drying of mango-sweetpotato leathers. Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology 3(4A):334-340
- B. E. Eje, A. Addo, and K. A Dzisi. 2015. Effects of toasting time on functional and visco-elastic properties of cassava flour. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 9(6):1-6. DOI: 10.9790/2402-09620106
- Odoom W, Bart-Plange A, Darko J. O. and Addo A. 2014. Quality assessment of moisture content, free fatty acids and acid value of coconut oil produced in the Jomoro District of the Western Region of Ghana. Journal of Research in Agriculture (2014) 3(1): 205-210.
- A. Addo and A. Bart-Plange. 2013. Muscoloskeletal disorders associated with tasks in cocoa warehouses in Ghana: preliminary results from a pilot study. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences 2(1): 38 - 41.
- A. Bart-Plange, A. Addo, A. Akowuah and J. Ampah. 2012. Some moisture dependent compressive properties of shea kernel (Vitellaria paradoxa L). Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 6(3):2113-2119.
- Bart-Plange, A., Dzisi A. K., Addo, A., Teye, E. and Kumi, F. 2012. A comparative study of some physical properties of large and medium size cocoa beans from Ghana. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology 2(3): 135-141.
- A. Bart-Plange, A. Addo, E. E. Abano, J. O. Akowuah. 2012. Compressive properties of cocoa beans considering the effect of moisture content variations. International Journal of Engineering and Technology
- A. Bart-Plange, A. P. Mohammed-Kamil, A. Addo and E. Teye. 2012. Some physical and mechanical properties of cashew nut and kernel grown in Ghana. International Journal of Science and Nature 3(2):
- D. Oppong-Sekyere, A. Donkoh and A. Addo. 2012. Effect of feed particle size on performance of broiler chickens in Ghana. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences 2(2):
- A. Addo and A. Bart-Plange. 2012. Particle size evaluation of feed ingredient produced in the Kumasi metropolis, Ghana. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. 7(3):177-181.
- A. Bart-Plange, A. Addo. 2012. Thermal properties of Gros Michel banana grown in Ghana. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 7(4):478-484.
- J.O. Akowuah, . A. Addo and F. Kemausuor. 2012. Influence of storage duration of Jatropha curcus seeds on oil yield and free fatty acid content. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. 7(1):41-45.
- A. Bart-Plange, V. Asare and A. Addo. 2009. Thermal conductivity of maize and cowpea. Journal of Engineering and Technology2&3: 6-11.
- A. Addo and A. Bart-Plange. 2009. Kinetics of water sorption by egusi melon (Cucumeropsis edulis) seeds. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 4(6):14-18. http://www.arpnjournals.com/jabs/research_papers/rp_2009/jabs_1109_157.pdf.
- A. Addo, A. Bart-Plange and D. M. Boakye. 2009. Drying kinetics of cap and stem of mushroom. Journal of Science and Technology 29(2): 88-95.
- A. Addo and A. Bart-Plange. 2008. Performance evaluation of two on-farm feed mixers. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 39(3): 57 – 60.
- A. Addo and A. Bart-Plange. 2007. Safety and health in production agriculture: a review and lessons for Ghana. African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention 5(1): 66 - 78.
- A. Addo and A. Bart-Plange. 2007. Simulation of onion dehydration using neural networks. Journal of Engineering and Technology 1: 10-13.
- A. Bart-Plange, A. Addo, J. Aveyire and E. Tutu. 2007. Friction coefficient of maize, cowpea and groundnuts on different structural surfaces. Journal of Science and Technology 27(1): 142 -149.
- A. Addo, A. Bart-Plange and J. Aveyire. 2006. Appraisal and maintenance of the grain elevator complex at Ejura Farms, Ashanti Region. Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineers 4(2): 27-34.
- A. Addo, A. Bart-Plange and K. Dzisi. 2006. Water absorption characteristics of Obatanpa and Mamaba hybrids of maize (Zea mays). International Journal of Food Engineering. http://www.bepress.com/ijfe/vol2/iss3/art7.
- A. Bart-Plange, A. Addo and K. Dzisi. 2006. Effects of drying and rewetting on some dimensional and mass properties of “Dorke” maize variety. Journal of Ghana Science Association 8(1): 89-96.
- A. Bart-Plange, A. Addo and K, Dzisi. 2005. The effects of rewetting and drying on selected physical properties of ‘obatanpa’ and ‘mamaba’ maize varieties. Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineers 3(1):12-15.
- A. Addo, A. Bart-Plange, R. A. Asuboah and K. Dzisi. 2004. Effect of different threshing cylinders on soybean quality. Journal of Science and Technology 24(2): 121 -125.
- A. Addo, A. Bart-Plange and K. Dzisi. 2004. Development of neural network model for predicting kiwifruit internal quality indexes. Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineers 2(2): 1-6.
- K. Dzisi, A. Addo, A. Bart-Plange. 2004. An evaluation of improved gari stoves. Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineers 2(2): 18-21.
- A. Addo and M. Yoneyama. 2004. Comparative performance evaluation of rice transplanters. Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineers 2(1): 57 - 61.
- T. Satake, A. Addo, O. Sakata and H. Hashimoto. 2002. Effects of fluctuating temperatures on quality of kiwifruit in modified atmosphere packages. Journal of The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan 32(4): 205-216.
- T. Satake, A. Addo, J. A. Bartsch and T. Maekawa. 1999. Study on estimation of inner quality indexes of stored apples using neural network. Journal of The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan 30(1): 21-29.
- Brew-Hammond, A., Kemausuor, F., Addo, A., Awudza, J., Darkwah, L., Mensah, E., Idan, C and Antwi, E. 2009. “Guidebook on Modern Bioenergy Conversion Technologies in Africa”, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Vienna. (Contributing author of Chapter 5 on Biomass Gasification Technologies). pp. 117-138.
- T. Satake, T. Furuya, A. Addo and Y. Ohta. 2000. Study on optimum layout design for agricultural facility using simulated annealing. Proceedings of The XIV Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000, November 28 – December 1, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. pp. 976-979
- T. Satake, T. Furuya and A. Addo. Quality evaluation of brown rice using optical characteristics and neural network.Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, Takamatsu, Japan, November 10 – 12, 1998. pp. 354-358.
- T. Satake, A. Addo, T. Maekawa and J. A. Bartsch. 1998. Estimation of inner quality indexes of stored apples using neural network. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Technology Development for Non-destructive Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Products, September 29, 1998, Suwon, South Korea. pp. 9-25.
- A. Addo and I. Buhari. 1994. Farmhousehold Survey in Ishikawa Prefecture. Proceedings of the National Conference on Survey on Farm Household Practice in Japan. Tsukuba International Agricultural Training Centre, Japan International Co-operation Agency.